These cute little animals,
With their wings and horn on the head.
They look like innocent deers,
But are unicorns instead.
The cute little horn sticking out,
Might look a little funny, yes.
But what’s deep inside them,
Is the small mind full of mess.
With fluffy wings behind them,
Yes they must be the Unis,
How majestic they look in the wild,
They must a whole load of beauties.
Hiding behind a tree,
Must be the playful Kacheek.
Going with their fluffy tail,
Must be their cute white tummy.
Different colors painted on them,
Red, blue, green and yellow.
What an energetic lot,
Of little monstrous fellow.
A cheerful smile of theirs,
Cheekily hiding here and there.
Under, behind and hidden,
Camouflage they normally wear.
The curly tail of the Mynci,
With its little huge bald head.
Large eyes that sparkle in the light,
It tells you his spirit isn’t dead.
As agile as any other monkeys,
The Mynci is always.
Seemed to be the king of them,
When it moves in the sunlight rays.
Moving here and there,
Never stopped to rest.
Behold the king of monkeys,
Who will always be the best.