'R' is for remember me, the times that made us laugh.
It really makes me wonder, why your jokes didn't make me barff!
'E'xcruciating! You make me feel, facing you all day
but soon i got used to it and now you seem Okay!
'M'ust be very angry now, after reading till here
but too bad there's still months to go before i disappear.
'E'latedness you must feel, recieving this wonderful card
and there you go, rolling your eyes, how predictable you are!
'M'idsummer Night's Puck, i guess, is a pixie too
and no doubt why i always think he acts exactly like you!
'B'ottom's cute and really funny, i bet he makes you smile
and so i wish that Mrs Poh would, check your Emaths file
'E'nding soon, this poem will, so just endure for abit
pull your hair or stamp your feet, just listen to me please
'R'emember to remember me, as your non-crazy friend
put me 1st, 2nd or 3rd, just not behind your man.