Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pushing buttons

Stop pushing my button-
my belly button.
It belongs to me.
Have you forgotten?

You remember the time when
it once connected us.
We shared a cord that
wrapped and strangled as I gasp.

It was snipped and we cried;
You, tears of joy.
I, tears of loss.
And to the womb I waved goodbye.

For a good decade, you held my hand
and it connected us.
We shared a bond that
made us smile and laugh and smile again.

It was relaxed and we were unaware;
You, busy with life.
I, busy planning life.
And out of your protection, the dangers I bare.

Twenty years went by so soon; too soon.
and it alerted us.
But we shared a tie that
remains even if either one was on the moon.

It was invisible and we lost sight;
You, fear of loss.
I, fear of captivity.
And I struggle hard from the restrains you hold tight.

You there! Hey! Stop pushing my button!
My belly button.
Proof of our relations.
On common ground we stand, all is forgiven.