Friday, July 24, 2015

The Way He Sees

He sees the world every day.
He gets out of his bed into his chair and out to his world.
I swear I was prettier than that little missy pushes him around.
He waves at me.
For years his eyes has never changed. The same wave as
he steps through the same threshold. When he left for work,
when he left for our freedom, when he left for the grocery,
it was in different outfits, different legs and different faces but
he has always looked at me the same way and never leaves
without his signature smirk.

Life used to be crystal clear, then a blur, then grey with the cataract sky.

I remember the bus stop we first met.
I remember the rice fields we splashed our way through.
I remember the tree we first held hands.
I remember the kiss, so brazen, at the hidden corner of my father's warehouse.

Permission. Arrangement. Engagement. Marriage.
He bore me children of seven. Seven bundles of smelly diapers,
raging tantrums, disobedient students, anxious candidates,
proud graduates, driven businessmen and grandchildren.

Today the smirk has gone old.
The concrete ceiling, I see myself in, cries in the rhythm of my
youthful pacemaker. He has been through family gatherings and world
wars with my cheers ringing in his ear; each time reigning undefeated.
Who would have known that the boy who once held my world in his
hands would be beaten by a tiny cell?

From my own prison, I can see the cancer wear him down
day by day; his clock delaying one more second every sunrise.
At least he gets to see our world each day. My eyes feel his
every wave and my heart replays that entrancing smirk.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Little Soul

We met yesterday as any other day, before dawn,
after dusk. You looked as how old would appear
in fatigue's silhouette. Scabs ripped and wounds
reopened by the fangs of another, permitted
to penetrate by your heart. I try my hand at the
bad sewing and offered five doses of a dozen sheep,
every one soaking up the congenial shame you bleed.

One, the words rerun.
Two, the cruel time spools.
Three, the flashbacks breathe.
Four, the story recalls.
Five, your jaded spirit dives
into every memory and with every memory, the
hallucinations come back with a new found volume of
sacrilegious vengeance.

Soon, what that did not once cause a tear will create
the downpour that drowns even the most defensive cactus.

Six minutes in and the girl who learned
to build her fortress of smiles is now the
same one cowering under the blanket.
Even teddy broke a sigh.

You, the luckless shattered soul, have no onus
to hear the cries I screech silent in my head.
Hush now, you are as young as I remembered;
as I pictured; as I find; as I think; as I dream.
You are as innocent as prison calls, as charming
as stars' glow at death. Hush now.

You know, the grand empires you conceive shall never truly
be safe and the majestic castles you raise shall never truly
protect when you are only hesitant to countenance
the entry of the unmelodious serpents.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I can hear the glitter.
Do you hear the glitter?
Gold yet transparent, it's in the air.
I can breathe it on every strand of my body.
It's under my skin. I stand on it.
It cheers.

My mouth gaping, teeth rejoice.
The furrow suspicious but the eyes hopeful.
The tears drown,
The feet fly.
I'm above ground.

My heart stops; the crowd beats for me.
Arms shaking, flailing, squeezing, raising.
The noise silent.
The time replays and rewinds.
Cameras obsolete.
Spit confetti.

Do you hear the glitter?
It was from my soul.
I left it on the stage, now it's in the air.
Tears of the infected; it's under their skin.
I bask in it, I sob in it, I cry for it.
I hear it cheer.